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Kylie graduated from Macquarie University, NSW with a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Economics in 1995. 


Kylie’s first speciality was as a taxation lawyer during which time she commenced a Master of Law specialising in taxation and was promoted to senior manager at Ernst & Young Sydney before relocating to Perth, Western Australia in 2002.


In 2006 Kylie retrained as a family lawyer and family violence specialist. Kylie was admitted as a legal practitioner in the Supreme Court of Western Australia in 2007.  


Kylie has appeared regularly in the Family Court of Western Australia, is a member of the Family Law Practitioners Association, the Family Law Section, the Law Society of Western Australia and has commenced training to become a Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner. 


Kylie has been a guest lecturer at the University of Notre Dame law school, the supervising solicitor at the Notre Dame University Family Law Clinic and is currently a Board Member for the Patricia Giles Centre for Non-Violence.


Kylie has three children, one with autism, and has also experienced family separation giving her the ability to empathise with her clients. 


Kylie is committed to providing concise and understandable advice that is tailored to your personal situation. 

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