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Image by Nathan Hurst


Image by Nathan Hurst

Have you received a notice of non-compliance from your local Council?


Are you being prosecuted for a breach of a town planning, environmental, health, building or local law? Even a parking ticket? Do you need advice on your legal options?


Legal disputes with local Councils can be complicated. If not attended to, a notice of non-compliance can cause you significant financial difficulty or stress.


Many prosecution notices or rectification orders for council matters are hidden in a number of different pieces of legislation.

It can be confusing, difficult to find and understand what is actually the law.


Hammond Legal has extensive experience in local government law.


John Hammond has been involved in local government in excess of 30 years as Mayor, a Councillor, Chairman of Planning and Finance Committees and an advocate for mayors and councillors in most WA local government inquiries.


We are in a position to provide you with the advice you need. 


With our extensive knowledge in Council matters, appeal processes and Court procedures, Hammond Legal can help you achieve the best possible outcome.

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